A Fly in the Ointment

Very pleasant day winding through the Wisconsin countryside.  Not as perfect as yesterday, but near as makes no difference.

Susan cruizin.

Well, save for one little thing:

Several times today Susan's electrics —the only reason to have these things — just up and quit.  Thankfully, recycling the power brought things back.  Well, the angry pixies anyway.  Peace of mind, not so much.

Googlerizing from the hotel revealed the most likely cause is the battery bouncing around, causing enough electrical noise to make the controller think something has gone wrong.  Good news, in the sense that this is far more likely to be annoying than terminal.  Bad news, peace of mind remains elusive.

Seventy four pleasant except for that damn fly-in-the-ointment miles.  1,171 to be spent hoping ER 71 doesn't become ER ∞.


  1. Beautiful countryside in WI

    Mike F

  2. A red plastic cup amongst all those bottles! M


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